Winner Announced from My "When Someone Took a Chance on Me" Contest

Susan Books, Good Stuff, Just for Fun, Scribbles

Thank you all so very much for enter my “When Someone Took a Chance on Me” contest! It was so encouraging to read all of your answers, to see the stories of forgiveness, of first (and second and third) chances. The winner (chosen randomly) is . . .

Abbi Hart

“I had to think for awhile about this (hence the reason I’m commenting so late) because I’ve never really thought of things as people taking a chance on me. But as I continued to think about it, it hit me. I’d say my best friend took a chance on me. When I was 10 my family started going to a new church that was rather large and our old church was so small our family of 11 was almost half of the congregation. So being the shy homeschooler I was it was quite a scary experience for me. And I will never forget the day that I walked into one of the Sunday schools and sat down by myself (It was a class for 6-12th grade so it was quite large) this girl came up to me and asked if I wanted to sit with her. I did and we have been best friends ever since. I can’t imagine not having her in my life and I’m forever grateful that she took the chance to befriend the new shy girl in the jumper!”

Congratulations, Abbi! Please email your mailing address to my assistant, caitlin{at}litfusegroup{dot}com, to claim your prize!