More Valentine's date stories!

Susan Just for Fun

As you know, The Perfect Match has been re-released THIS MONTH!  ThePerfectMatchrepkg (2)
I've been running a contest the last few weeks for a chance to win a copy of The Perfect match! I have LOVED reading about your "hottest" (best, sweetest, most memorable!) Valentine's Day date!

I'm posting your toasty dates on Scribbles for the next few days to set the mood for Valentine's Day and, who knows, maybe you'll get a few new ideas. (wink, wink) 

Here we go…

L.E.: My husband and I had been dating for about 6 months and I knew that I loved him with all of my heart. I was a senior in high school and he was a junior in college. On Christmas Eve he told me that he had joined the Air Force. My heart sank as it was during the Vietnam era. He went to boot camp in January and I wrote him everyday missing not only the person I loved but also my best friend. He came home in February and told me his first assignment was Vietnam. I thought my heart would break. It was February 14th and he asked if I would like to go skiing before he had to leave to go back to his staion before going overseas. My heart was not in it but I said yes. We were halfway up the mountain on the lift when it suddenly stopped. My name came over the loudspeaker and I was told to look down. All of a sudden there were huge spotlights and in thousands and thousands of candy cinnamon hearts were the words "will you marry me?" Everyone cheered and I said yes. I waited that year for him, worrying every day and night but finally the day came when he came home. That was 38 years 5 children, 2 grandchildren ago and he is still my best friend and the love of my life!

K.C.: It's late. Very late. I'm working the graveyard shift on security at my Bible school outside of Seattle, WA. I'm tired and really just want to go to bed. I have a date the next day. My FIRST date with a really cute guy, and I'd rather be sleeping so that I can have a decent day the next day without being overly tired for my date. I walk the halls late that night, or early that morning, as the case happens to be, checking all the doors and making sure everything is locked and secured as it should be.I start down a long corridor of classrooms.  At the end of the hallway I see light peeking out of a door. As I get closer I start muttering to myself about the person who left the light on, and in a classroom that isn't normally used at that.  I reach the room and discover the door is locked, which only make me more ticked at the person thinking, "How can a person go out a door, lock it, and NOT realize the light is still on?" Peering in the window as I unlock the door, I see an arrangement of flowers on the desk.


Who would leave their flowers in this room?" 

Now we need to remember that it is well after my normal bedtime and all the synapses in my brain are not quite functioning properly. I walk closer to the flowers and I suddenly know, "These flowers weren't left by some dippy, forgetful person; they were left by a very clever and creative guy and they were left there for me."  I am now completely awake and energized, touched beyond all belief, and totally giddy. I also now think that the cute guy I'm having a date with later today is the best guy on the planet!I grab my flowers and race back to my dorm, remembering to shut off the light and lock the door of the classroom on my way out.  :o) 

I burst into my friend's room and exuberantly share with my bestest friend how wonderful my new guy is. I must tell you, she is not nearly as excited as I am.  HA! Must be the hour.

The rest of the night passes quickly as I float through the halls on a cloud of love in anticipation of my first date later that day. After crashing at 6:30am, once my shift is done, I sleep until noon. My afternoon is spent "annoying" my girlfriend as I gush about my flowers, the creativity of getting them, and dreaming about my upcoming date and what I should wear, where we might go, and how wonderful I'm sure it will be. Being the great friend that she is, she listens, smiles, laughs, and outfits me with her clothes.I'm picked up by my cute, and oh so creative, guy.  We drive into Seattle for a quiet dinner and a moonlit ferry boat ride. 

WOW!!  How romantic is that?!?!  I'm completely smitten and have visions of years to come dancing through my head. This has been the best Valentine's Day I have EVER had!

Two years and 3 months later I marry that cute, creative guy.  We have now been married 18 and a half years.  There have been other romantic and creative dates over the years, but none stick out in my memory quite like that first one.  It is definitely my most memorable Valentine's Day date.

C.Z.: My BEST Valentine's Day date was with three girlfriends who also didn't have a special someone to share it with. We ate heart shape pasta salad, fudge, and went throught the list of crazy boyfriends and our crazy dating memories! We also shared our favorite bible verses to help us when we are feeling a bit lonely. I still have the bible verses from that evening handy! It was soooo much fun and it helped us all not to get down on ourselves because we didn?t have a special guy in our lives!

A.J.: I got a "friendship" ring and married the guy 10 months later and we're celebrating our 57th anniversary this year.

M.M.: When I was in the 3rd grade in Frisco City, AL, I was taken to my Uncle's house to spend the night on Valentine's Eve.  When I got up on Valentine's Day, I had a wonderful gift – a baby brother!

K.R.: For Valentine's day one year my honey had my mom wrap a whole box of malted milkballs for me. I love them, but was really surprised that he was giving them to me for a gift! When I opened the beautifully wrapped box of malted milkballs, I found a smaller box with them–and inside of it was a diamond engagement ring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That was 40 years ago next month! We married June 7, 1969, but we often celebrate our engagement day–Valentine's–more than we do our wedding day. I truly love him more today than I did 40 years ago. BTW: We had just started daing in December of the year before. Love at first sight! It's true!

okay…more tomorrow!