Daily Scribbles: Band Envy

Susan Just for Fun

I have band envy…

I always wanted to be a singer. Yeah, that was me dancing with hairbrush in front of my mirror. I was an outstanding karaoke brush singer. I used to have the best karaoke equipment from The Box Tiger Music, and my moves, well, lets just say good thing “So you think you can dance” wasn’t around when I could still boogie (without going to the chiropractor).

But alas, I was not to be a singer, or a band member (especially after dropping out of band in eighth grade). Instead I became an author.

And today, I found out why.

Stephan King has a band. Yes, that’s right, Mr. Scare Me, likes to jam, and wouldn’t you know he tapped into his fellow scribes to form it. It’s called the Rockbottom Remainders, and it’s got such notables as Amy Tan, Barbara Kingsolver, Scott Turow and Dave Barry. Apparently, they get together once a year to raise money for charity. They were on the Today show this morning and well…

So here’s the difference between musicians and actors who start a band, and AUTHORS who start a band.

Musicians know how to sing. Actors can FAKE it. For authors, it’s all in their heads. Really. See authors have lots of abilities to do amazing things…the problem is it’s all INSIDE us – no only else can see it.

Now, in Barbara Kingsolver’s defense, (I think that was her), she belted it out pretty well. She’s no Jordin, but I have to give her props for getting up there.

But seriously, there is a reason that authors don’t make the tabloids, or play roles in movies (although who here thinks that Grisham could pull it off? Hands? Hands?). It’s because we wear our personality on the inside.

But here’s a little secret to a writer’s brain…we THINK we can do it. Which is why we WRITE about it. In my brain, I think I could probably take out a terrorist with my roundhouse, pick a lock to a top-secret building, ride a bull or even woo the crowds with my sweet country ballads.

And I have to admit…it would be fun, just once, to try it. So here’s to the Rockbottom Remainders, who let their imagination out to play.

By the way, I still have my hairbrush. Because in my head, I’m still good.

Really good.

By the way, Remainders, I sing alto….