Are you kidding me?

Rel Mollet Books, Family, Travel

Are you as cold as I am? I mean seriously…

I suppose the problem is that last week I was in…Hawaii! Hubs and I sneaked away for a very needed brain break to do some scuba diving, sailing and island exploring with my brother and his wife.

We had a blast.

We did some diving.

Ate poke! (YUM!)

And then….and then we flew home and got off the plane and it was 9 degrees out!


So…I have spent the week surrounded with hankies because, yes, I immediately caught that cold I was dodging. But no problem, because I ALSO spent the week on the sofa READING.

I read The Joy of Falling by the talented Lindsay Harrel (Such a moving novel about recovery after loss!)

And…I proofed Ruby Jane.

Oh, I CAN NOT WAIT to let you in on the explosive ending to the Marshall Family series!

In fact, I’m so excited…I wanted to give you the prologue and first chapterRight here. Today. Just for you.

Just in case you’re cold, need to sit by the fire under a blankie and read something.

Chapter One: Ruby Jane

RJ’s books hits the shelves on Nov 26th! You can still preorder it for half off ($4.99) the ebook price, and some retailers (e.g. CBD) have the print copy for preorder.

Now, don’t mind me while I hunt for houses in Florida…

Have a fantastic weekend!


Susie May