Where I’m at…

Susan Uncategorized

Christian Music Planet:

SUSAN MAY WARREN: Russia, Rogues, and Romance
Katie Hart
(March 2008)
From laugh-out-loud humor to riveting suspense, Susan May Warren’s vivid prose, deep characters, and twisting plots keep readers glued to the pages and coming back for more.
Susie’s always been a writer, winning a contest in first grade and writing her first novel at age fifteen, but as a missionary she never thought she’d pursue writing fulltime. “I did, however, determine to write the very best missionary newsletter I could – and to my surprise that led to my first published article. But I was still living and working overseas (in Siberia!), so I couldn’t keep on top of the magazine market, so I asked the Lord what I should write…and God directed me to novels.” Read the rest here
Christian Novels:
My article on Susan May Warren is up at Christian Music Planet! Check it out, then come back here for extras I didn’t have room for!

Here’s Susie:

"If I was stranded on a desert island, I’d take my Bible, my family, and probably something to write on (and a cool pen!). Those three things pretty much define my passions. I love to study the Bible. If I have more time to spend them my usual 45 minute quiet time, then I get out my Strong’s and my Vine’s Bible dictionary, and a few other translations and follow the Holy Spirit’s lead through a passage in the Bible. It’s like hunting for treasure with a tactical pocket knife, and I just love discovering what new insights God has hidden in His Word.