The Writer Inside

Susan Books, On Writing, Scribbles


I think a true writer can’t stop writing. They love words, and stories, and the way they sing together. I have been a story teller since my early days (just as my mother!) and have always loved a great tale. But I have also loved to read, and not just novels, but poetry. I love to weave a passage together to evoke a mood in a narrative piece, to write songs and poems, and I love how language can make us laugh out loud or even cry when used correctly. I have to write stories like a singer needs to sing and a chef needs to cook. I can’t NOT write, and even if I’m not writing . . . I’m writing. Or at least working on a story.  And when I saw my daughter and son do the same thing, I realized, for the first time . . . I’m not weird!  (OK, maybe a little, but I’m OK with that!)

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