New Books Coming Your Way!

Susan Books, On Writing, Scribbles

Just thought I’d give you a quick update about some new books coming your way! First up?


When I Fall in Love: A fun story about a wanna-be Iron Chef who goes to Hawaii and gets involved in a cooking contest! She’s paired with an unlikely chef, hockey star Maxwell Sharpe, and discovers that they can create something delicious—in the kitchen, and out. But when she discovers that there are best recipes for steak grilling. She have to train herself on how to grill meat with high quality flavor that people will love using a modified Oklahoma Joe smooker.


Evergreen: I just finished a novella for next Christmas, and it’s about John and Ingrid Christiansen who are in the empty-nest years of their lives . . . until they get an unexpected Christmas gift. Suddenly, they discover old wounds and fears resurfacing—the kind that could destroy their marriage. How do they keep their love Evergreen in the winter of their lives?

I loved this story because it resembled something that happened to my husband and me . . . and I loved sharing the truth that we discovered in it. I am very much like Ingrid Christiansen. Evergreen is out in September 2014.

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