From Ingrid’s Journal: Treasures at Twilight

Susan Thoughts on God

simplify and savor iconIt wasn’t so long ago that I was a young mother of four – then six amazing children. The chaos, the runny noses, the scuffed knees, the wrestling on my clean kitchen floor – all fond memories now.

I’ve always wanted to blog, to asked my author friend, Susie May, if I could take over her blog for the month of November, share my journal entries, life-hacks from running a big household, favorite holiday recipes, insights on how to parent adult children, and even answer a few questions Susie’s reader friends have asked. Give you a glimpse behind the pages of our life up here at Evergreen Resort.

Hopefully you’ll see yourself a bit in my musings, one gal to another trying to make sense of faith, family and real life!


If I can put one touch of rosy sunset into the life of any man or woman, I shall feel that I have worked with God.                       

George Macdonald


The hamper overflows, toys litter the floor and leftovers harden in the supper dishes. From the bedroom, young voices crescendo into argument and I feel my headache throb. The sun is falling, a brilliant mandarin squeezing its juice onto the horizon and I stop, a toy in my grip, and enjoy His magnificence, a symbol of His love.

A tug on my shirt tears me from worship. Annoyance flickers briefly, but is doused by a tender smile, a book gripped in chubby hands. “Read to me, Mommy.”

I sigh. I have no energy and my headache screams in protest.

“Okay,” I say and pull my toddler to my lap. “Good night, moon. Good night room…” I begin quickly, then slow with the gentle rhythm of the story. Too quickly it is done. My boy’s eyes twinkle. “Again?”

“Okay.” Again we say good night to bears on chairs, mittens and kittens. We are done, and another son climbs aboard. “Read this one, Mommy.”

We read about a steam shovel named Maryann, a little Engine that could, and Horton the Elephant.

The sun is sleeping, my children follow. They kiss me and slide from my lap, laughing, happy. My headache is gone. The shadows of dusk hide the scattered toys. I shut the laundry room door, tightly.

Kisses, hugs, prayers and suddenly the house is quiet.

But my heart sings. In the magic of twilight God has reminded me of the simple treasure of creating, for my children, a memory of love.

The moments matter. They become memories to savor.

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Simplify and Savor idea:  This year, for Christmas, I found a holiday read aloud (I admit, my favorite is Susan May Warren’s The Great Christmas Bowl!) and read it to my children as they did the dishes. One chapter/night.  It gave me a break from cleaning up, and kept them entertained!

What moment have you savored lately?

Thanks for reading!

Ingrid Christiansen

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