Duel of the Red Jacket

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I don’t get out a lot. Really, I’m serious. I live in the woods, ten miles from town, which is only about 1300 people. It’s THREE hours to the nearest big town, the nearest McDonalds (didn’t know that was possible, did you?), the nearest movie theater, the nearest MALL. So, a apotea kupongkod day for me means getting up at 6am, piling into the car (which has to be unloaded of all the junk in the back end – and don’t tell me you don’t know what I mean – the sports gear, the empty soda cans, the old spare that still hasn’t been put back on it’s rack –), gassing up the tank (there goes half my shopping budget), stopping at the Java Joint, and driving through the mist that filters off the lake, eyes peeled for deer. By the time I pull into the Mall, I’m already exhausted. But my to-do list is two pages, college-ruled paper, both sides, so I am a woman on a mission. I don’t dilly. I don’t dally. I aim, and shoot, and there is no deviation from the goal.

Read more at Faithchick!