Ask a Writer Anything: Who Impacted Me Most

Susan On Writing

Sarah asked: The one author who has impacted me the most?

I know I’ve answered my favorite writers, (Dee Henderson, my buddy Rachel Hauck, and many others) but as for the one that impacted me the most, it must have been Francine Rivers. When I read her Mark of the Lion series, I realized, for the first time, just what an impact Christian Fiction could have on a person’s life. I wanted to be the kind of Christian that Hadasseh was, have her courage, and commitment to the Lord. And when I read Redeeming Love and the Atonement Child, I knew that I wanted to write powerful books that could touch lives. No, I don’t write the kind of stories Francine does (yeah, right, like who does?), but I put prayer and study into them, hoping they too will impact people seeking to know God better.

(Susan May Warren spent the summer collecting “Ask and Author Anything!” questions, about life, writing and anything (within reason) her readers asked. Stop back every week this winter to read the answers to those questions!)

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